Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mind-Mapping Experience

Here's the link to the mind map I created:

Many of my students have a very difficult time memorizing conversion information that they need to know for many of the math calculations they need to perform in Regents Chemistry so this mole map was created to make things easier for them to remember. It is designed to show the realtionships between these chemistry units of measure: moles, grams, particles and liters (gas only). The arrows show the path between two items. To help the students remember which direction is multiplication it is pointed out that all moles (the animal) need to emerge from their hole in order to multiple. This concept map has definitely helped the students with their unit conversions. Often the students will draw the map in the margins of their tests before they begin so they have the information right there to see and use. The visual image as well as the correlation with the animal seems to stick in the students minds. I found that was definitely the easiest site to meaneuver compared to and Mindmeister only had specific templates that one could use and none fit the mole map concept. I found Gliffy too difficult to figure out. The biggest disadvantage for me is the amount of time it takes me to figure things out. Once I have mastered a site though that will be the one I will use again and again for other applications.

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